Spiritual Life

十大博彩直营首页登录 students singing from hymnal

Respect. Curiosity. Growth. Commitment.

These are characteristics of spiritual life at Maryville College. The College believes that spiritual exploration and growth are just as important as academic, professional, and emotional growth, both for the college years and beyond. The College’s Presbyterian tradition encourages service, stresses humility, and promotes exploration and growth in faith and understanding throughout our lives.

As our Statement of Purpose says, “the College believes that it must listen attentively and humbly to all human voices so that it may hear the call of God no matter how God may speak.” Thus, students, faculty, and staff from all religious backgrounds, or none, find a place of welcome. An important aspect of community life is sharing perspectives and learning about one another’s traditions.  This culture of sharing happens informally over meals or in residence halls, programmatically through the Center for Campus Ministry, and academically through classroom study.

What does Spiritual Life look like at Maryville College?


  • A variety of Student Religious Groups become spiritual homes for their members and help students develop leadership skills. They are communities of friendship and challenge, comfort and exploration. Don’t see a group that fits your tradition or interests? There is always the possibility of starting another one!
  • Weekly chapel services in the Center for Campus Ministry feature faculty, student, and staff speakers reflecting on an annual theme, plus music led by Chapel Scholars, and time for prayer.
  • Local congregations are always eager to welcome students – to provide a place to explore a new tradition or to experience the familiarity of music, ritual, and words that are close to your heart.

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